Sunday, March 1, 2009


I read Jeremiah 26:14 tonight and I asked myself at what point does submission lead to passive apathy. Skipping a lot of what I wrote, this is what I ended with. I know I haven't posted for a while, but this seemed worth posting.

It's better to choose not to choose than to just not choose at all. It's better to submit or surrender your choice than to deny or ignore the fact that you have one. Basically, the outward actions of submission and apathy look very much the same. It's the hidden attitudes behind those actions that are different. Like in most situations, forgetting the attitudes behind actions can lead to false assumptions about the meaning of those actions. Watch your choices and be careful not to judge others for their choices too quickly.

Questions? Am I making any sense? I could write more.

1 comment:

Harold said...

You're making a lot of sense! Yes, meekness can look the same as weakness. But one, as you say, is submission and one passive apathy. On Good Friday we celebrate Jesus choosing not to choose.

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